Salon - magazine for drinking culture

Alkoholfreier Little Wildberry
Gin & Tonic goes Pink! Der Laori & Cherry Blossom Tonic ist eine Abwandlung des klassischen Gin & Tonic und lässt sich genau so einfach zubereiten. Durch das Cherry Blossom Tonic tauch...
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Non-alcoholic martini cocktail
When you think of a Martini cocktail, you immediately get the image of James Bond standing casually at the bar and asking the question “shaken or stirred?” skillfully with “shaken” answered. Bond p...
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Non-alcoholic Negroni with Laori
What is a Negroni? What does a non-alcoholic Negroni taste like? How do you mix a non-alcoholic Negroni? When do you drink a Negroni? What does "Finger Stirred Negroni" mean? Wha...
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