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Article: Laoris Garden - Non-alcoholic cocktail with rhubarb

alkoholfreier Rhababer Vanille Drink mit Laori Juniper No 1

Laoris Garden - Non-alcoholic cocktail with rhubarb

That the sour rhubarb Laoris Garden proves that it is suitable for delicious, refreshing and non-alcoholic cocktails: With Laori Juniper No 1 , a dash of vanilla syrup and the freshness of lime juice, rhubarb makes a welcome change from the most common non-alcoholic cocktails. Laoris Garden is quick and easy to prepare - just right for the sunset on the balcony. We'll explain how to make your refreshing, non-alcoholic cocktail here.

Recipe - non-alcoholic cocktail Laoris Garden


Glass & Decoration

  • Tumbler & Rhubarb Zest


  • First put the ice cubes into the glass.
  • Afterward  4 cl Laori Juniper No 1 pour in.
  • Next add the vanilla syrup and then the lime juice.
  • Pour in the rhubarb spritzer. Use a peeler to peel a zest from a fresh rhubarb stalk. Put it in the glass and then enjoy!

Rhubarb is a vegetable

Springtime is rhubarb time: As soon as the sweet and sour stalks are available on the market alongside strawberries and asparagus, summer is not far away. Since rhubarb often finds its way into cakes, is cooked down as compote or jam, or is drunk as a refreshing lemonade, it is often referred to as a fruit. In fact, it is a knotweed plant, which is a vegetable.

The greenish to red vegetable originally comes from the Himalayan region and is particularly widespread in Asia. A distinction is made between green and red rhubarb. The redder the rhubarb, the less sour the popular spring vegetable tastes.

Rhubarb is the fitness and incredibly healthy

Rhubarb not only tastes good - it is also incredibly healthy: the vegetable has only 14 calories per 100 grams and is completely fat-free. It gets its sour taste from the high proportion of malic, citric and oxalic acid. The high potassium content in rhubarb also contributes to healthy blood pressure. It is perfect for ingesting rhubarb as a non-alcoholic cocktail.

More non-alcoholic cocktails in the salon

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